34wk,2016 : Business Etiquette Training

In order to establish good enterprise and personal image and eventually increase customer satisfaction by improving interpersonal and business etiquette skills, in the morning on 13th, Aug. 2016, YUDO held business etiquette training on 2nd floor of 4# Building in the factory. The training lesson was given by Ms. Cui, director of Sino-Korea Etiquette Training Center in Shanghai. About seventy trainees attended the lesson that day.

Ms. Cui designed the lesson by combining her own rich knowledge with cases elaborately selected from YUDO business practices.The lesson covers Etiquette and Professional Image, Appearance and Manners,Meeting Etiquette, Business Communication Etiquette, Banquet and Telephone Communication Manners, etc. To achieve better training effect, the lecturer involved herself in the practices by cooperation with the trainees for demonstration,which promotes participation by the trainees and deepens their comprehension of business etiquette. The trainees master practical business etiquette lesson alive with enjoyment and enthusiastic atmosphere. The training achieved prominent effect in promoting mutual communication and understanding, attaining common praise from the trainees.

This business etiquette training enables the trainees to have renewal and more comprehensive understanding towards netiquettes and be aware of the significance of manners and etiquette in daily business activities. We believe it can also achieve good effect in improving personal accomplishment.