Fire Drill in 2018

        In order to guarantee safety production, raise awareness of safety and self-protection through knowledge acquiring of fire emergency and fire prevention awareness and emergency disposal capability cultivating, a fire drill was held at 15:00 on 13th, Jul. 2018 in YUDO Suzhou factory, organized by Administration Dept. according to instruction by the company leaders.

        This fire drill hasthree parts, referring to escape evacuation in emergency, fire-fightingequipment operation training and fire extinguishing at scene of fire. Carriedin tense but orderly manner and supported by the company leaders, this drillachieved a complete success.

        1)Importance Attached, Well Prepared. 

        This drill was attached importance and supported by the companyleaders, who raised vital thoughts and offered direction guidance for thesuccessful completion of this drill. On the other hand, the drill team madefull preparation in making plan, manpower distribution and scene of firearrangement, which offered logistical support for this drill.

       2)Strengthen Safety Awareness and Fire Control Propaganda

       Our company has always attached great importance to safety production and take safety production as the first element of development. This drill is focused on improving the abilities of employees to protect themselves in case of emergency, to rescue themselves and to help each other incase of fire and other dangers. Instructors from the Fire Brigade in Wuzhong District and Fire Squadron in Luzhi Town were invited for this drill. Participation of professional firefighters improves the quality of this drill. They not only conveyed the latest development of fire prevention but also gave explanation of firefighting knowledge, which strengthens the fire control propaganda.


       3)Clear Drill Purpose, Improve Firefighting Abilities 

         The drill purpose is to improve the abilities in evacuation escape under emergency and early rescue in danger, self-aid and mutual aid, and to strengthen the actual fire control ability.

         This drill achieved good effect as expected, especially in evacuation escape under emergency and fire extinguishing, which set good example for future contingency plans.      

         Through this drill, all employees deeply learned the common senseof safety escape, how to operate the fire-fighting equipment properly andgrasped more firefighting knowledge. During the drill, all employees improvedtheir abilities in self-aidand mutual aid as well as emergency response. The fire drill not only raisespersonal safety awareness but also has practical significance in safety productionfor the company.